Chuck Norris for President?

So if you read the post right below this one, you know that I considered throwing my hat into the ring for consideration for the office of President of the United States. However, since posting that, two things have come to my attention that have now made me reconsider my desire to attain this position.…

Chuck Norris and Mountain Dew

So check this out. I'm really not sure what happened on March 6, 7, 8 or thereabouts to cause such a spike in the number of visits to this modest little blog of mine, but all I can guess is that it has to do with the commercial featuring Chuck Norris chasing down two internet…

Chuck Norris facts – all new!!

The 22 facts about Chuck Norris that I posted a few days ago have become hugely popular. As I said in the post, those were sent to me in a forwarded email, so unfortunately, I have no idea where they originated from. However, not being one to let an opportunity to jump on a bandwagon…

Chuck Norris – the facts

Many of you have probably already seen this in forwarded email form, but it's actually one of the funnier things I've been forwarded. Everything you always wanted to know about Chuck Norris but were afraid to ask. Enjoy. 22 Chuck Norris Facts 1. Chuck Norris' tears cure cancer. Too bad he has never cried. 2.…